All traditional acupuncture begins with a Traditional Diagnosis. This initial appointment is two hours in length and includes the first acupuncture treatment. Follow-up treatments are an hour in length, and are scheduled as often as the patient and acupuncturist feel are necessary.
Traditional Diagnosis is designed to get an overall picture of health in the shortest time possible. There are questions about lifestyle, well-being, diet and exercise, followed by a short physical assessment of pulse, blood pressure and some palpation of the torso. Traditional Diagnosis lasts about two hours and includes the first acupuncture treatment.
Follow-up treatments are initially scheduled weekly, then depending on how the recipient is feeling, can be spaced out to once a fortnight and then once a month or longer, depending on what the patient feels is needed.
Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Traditional Diagnosis and 1st treatment £80
Follow-up treatments £60
Course of 5 - £250
Payments accepted: cash, card, bank transfer.
Please give 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel or change an appointment.
An admin fee of £25 may be required for late cancellations or missed appointments.